Direct Response Ads, Postcards, Letters, and More
What is Lead Generation Marketing, and Why You Need It In Your Life
Mass marketing (shouting your message to anyone and everyone) is suicide for the small and medium-sized law firms.
Law firms in particular are hot targets for advertising companies and can easily fall victim to their empty promises and ignorant marketing advice.
You will usually pay way too much money and get zero results.
Mass marketing is like playing the lottery…you may get a client if the stars align. In reality, your chances of getting struck by lightening (twice) are far better.
That’s why lead generation marketing is so important.
You first build a list of people who have shown interest in what you’re offering, then focus your big-guns sales and marketing efforts on them.
How Direct Response Marketing Can Save Your Business
You know how there are some events that you remember very vividly…like your wedding day, the birth of your first child, eating Pho for the first time…things that for some reason stay etched in your brain forever.
One such memory we have is about 10 years ago, shortly before the Recession of 2008 became officially official in October.
It was August to be precise. At that time, we were in a retail print shop which we had acquired 4 years prior (that’s 2004 for the math averse).
Those four years were full of ups and downs as we tried to launch Zine while keeping the print shop going.
But that particular August afternoon, things were at a new low.
Our shop had two huge storefront windows. We were sitting behind the counter just staring out the windows. We had no work. No new projects. And no prospects. No customers had come in all day.
The only thing with some life in it was a fly on the window…and he was desperately trying to find a way out.
We were the picture of bleak.
We had printed 10,000 lead generation postcards six months prior but were too poor to send them out. We couldn’t even afford to buy a list let alone pay the postage.
But somehow, a stroke of genius broke through and we realized we don’t have to mail all 10,000. We could target the mailing but first we needed a list.
So we googled local accountants and attorneys—people who we thought still needed business card and letterhead printing.
We pulled about 100 names and coughed up the 45 bucks to buy postage and mail them.
Well, about 50 of them came back as undeliverable. Buuut….
We had one call from an attorney, who happened to be a marketing consultant, and he happened to be looking for someone to print postcards. And our postcard happened to cross his desk that day.
That’s how we met Ben Glass. He not only became a loyal client who loved our work, but a friend and a mentor who opened our world up to marketing and what true business success looks like.
And here we are today…running a business we love, with clients we love to work with, and having more work and more clients than we know what to do with.
The moral of the story, boys and girls?
Without a good list, your chances of finding your ideal clients are small to nil.
Our list wasn’t big, but it was targeted, it was carefully selected and it was a good place to start.
It’s a proven strategy that should be part of every direct response campaign, whether you are creating a print ad, sending a postcard, or doing any other kind of advertising.
The team at Zine has helped people like Dan Kennedy, Ben Settle, Ben Glass, and other top marketers design and implement effective and stunning direct response campaigns.
We will help you think through the campaign from start to finish by helping you create an offer, a compelling message, design the marketing pieces, and create the landing page (or other tracking) to capture the names and contact information of everyone who responds.
You get the hand-holding you need to make sure there are no holes or gaps that could cause the campaign to fail.
What You Get
- Help with crafting an irresistible offer to identify and attract your ideal (avatar) client.
- Broadcasting your message, your brand and your offer in a sales letter and postcard campaign.
- Continue to reach a wider audience with 2 targeted Facebook ads or email campaigns.
- Landing page to capture responses.
- Help with compiling mailing lists, if needed, and executing each campaign
Package Cost: If you’re ready to grow and build on the greatest asset any business can have–your prospect list–contact us using the form below to set up a 30-minute phone meeting to see if we’re the ones who can help you. We’ll review your needs, answer any questions, and determine if we can help you. We can customize any package, but you’ll need a budget of at least $3000 to start.