Clients who are part of our Elite Client program understand the value of marketing and are eager to grow and learn.
They have multiple businesses, or a complex business with multiple moving parts. As an Elite Client, they benefit greatly from regular consulting/coaching sessions.
All high-achievers, including athletes and leaders work with consultants/coaches to help push them past their thresholds. Kia Arian works in this capacity to help you visualize your ideas, implement strategies, build-out marketing campaigns, and make sure all creative work is focused, accurate, and smartly integrated to meet the goals of your life and your business.
WE DISCRIMINATE!…and we’re not ashamed to admit it.
We know we’re not the perfect fit for every potential client. And not every potential client is a perfect fit for us. That’s just reality. However, understanding this reality means that we can focus exclusively on the few clients with whom we do make a perfect fit, and with whom we can build a rich and thriving relationship. Read what members are saying…
“Kia’s Elite Client Program is a game changer. For the duration of our membership, I was the marketing director at my dad’s small personal injury law firm and Kia’s main contact person. Her weekly consulting helped us increase our rate of marketing execution for the law firm and its sophistication. Simultaneously, Kia provided invaluable marketing support during my dad’s political campaign, which I was coordinating. Within this same year, our number of target cases per month became so reliably high that my dad sold the law firm – another project to which Kia brought a great deal of value. Now, my dad has semi-retired with financial security and I’m using what I learned from Kia to start my own business. Neither of our situations would be as promising as they are today without Kia’s Elite Client membership. She’s worth her weight in gold, or more.”
– Catherine Crosbie, Marketing Director
Benefits of Participation in our Elite Client Membership Program
Direct access to Kia Arian
As an Elite Client, you have direct access via phone and email to Kia Arian that other clients do not have.
Kia is the leading expert in design for direct-response advertising and information products, relied upon by leaders in the information marketing world.
She is also a Dan Kennedy Certified Copy Writer.* Her ability to take ideas and concepts and quickly turn them into reality with zero sacrifice of tried and true direct-response principles make her a highly sought-after designer in the information marketing and direct-response world.
She has done work for Dan Kennedy, Ben Glass, Steve Clark, Chauncey Hutter, and other leading information marketers.
Consultation and Partnership With Your Marketing Team
Kia Arian will personally participate in your weekly marketing meetings to make sure that we are on-board with your marketing strategies and involved in the planning and execution of each campaign early on. Her consultation can translate into thousands of dollars saved in design/printing/mailing costs as she suggests the best and most cost-effective solutions when it makes the most sense—during planning as opposed to right before launch. If you are not local, Kia will use video conferencing technology to participate in your meetings. She will also, at your request, visit you in-person* at your office location up to three times a year. (*In person visit and travel expenses are in addition to monthly program fee).
Comprehensive Coaching and Consulting
As a business owner herself who has weathered the highs and lows of business ownership, she understands that the challenges of entrepreneurship reach beyond the office.
She is able to help you think through life and business challenges and evaluate the myriad decisions you have to make every day. She understands workplace demands and how to balance that with human and family needs.
Any topic that will contribute to (or is hindering) your success can be brought up for discussion.
Your History Is Carefully Maintained
Your history, including your print files, your marketing campaigns, and all of your marketing collateral, will be maintained as long as you are with us—these are your marketing assets!
Moreover, we keep track of your marketing efforts. When you launch new campaigns or projects, we have a repository of YOUR resources to draw from to help you.
Many times, our clients forget the really great copy, cool images, and other really good stuff they’ve worked hard at creating. We don’t forget. And we make sure your designs and marketing are leveraged and re-purposed when and where appropriate, cutting down the amount of time and effort you have to put in.
Perks and Discounts
All our Elite Client members receive TWO fully custom postcard designs every year at NO CHARGE.
We have found this gives an excellent boost to our clients’ marketing and makes for some really creative projects and campaigns.
Moreover, our members receive complimentary business card printing for their executive staff, and reduced design fees across the board on most projects.
Other benefits include:
- 24-Hour Quote Response
- Interest-Free Financing
- Free Delivery
- No Minimum Orders
- No Rush Fees
- Discounted Business Cards
- Exclusive Offers (including free promotions
of your business in our marketing) - Gifts and Bonuses
- Any other special treatment we think
only you deserve.
Membership Qualification
If you’re interested in our Elite Client Membership Program, please submit your information to us below. We will send you our brochure and application and contact you to discuss any questions you might have. We look forward to welcoming your into our program.