How CAN a FABULOUS design actually HURT your business???
Because unless your design is destined to be framed as an art piece only, there are several factors that are much more important than design. So before you hand over your fabulous marketing idea to that zealous graphic designer, get this FREE book so you know what to do and NOT do to make sure your marketing dollars don’t end up in the garbage.
See what others have said about the book:
“I absolutely love Kia Arian’s Designers Gone Wild Report. I get “stuff” in the mail all the time, but I could not IMAGINE discarding Kia’s Designers Gone Wild Report! It caught my eye immediately. I am in the midst of designing some printed material and have found the “Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Print Marketing” issue to be so informational and with a clever presentation. In just a few pages I learned so much that I was not doing. While writing my advertising I have kept the booklet on my desk for reference to ensure I am on the right track. I have referred to the information so often that the pages are getting worn out. Kia gives me RELEVANT information that I can use to help me. I have added Kia to my success team as a resource who will help me promote my business in an effective manner. Thank you Kia!” Carolyn Vanderwarker RN, BSN, Legal Nurse Consultant, Nightingale Consulting Associates, Inc.
“A lot of practical information for the small business owner looking to strengthen their print campaign. Even if you have years of marketing experience, this booklet is a helpful resource.” Rick Dixon, Dixon Advisory Group
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