Below are six core newsletter styles that help you identify your unique flavor and voice.

Selecting a newsletter style makes your newsletter interesting and personable, and will help align it to your overall brand. It also streamlines production and yields a beautiful and compelling end result for every issue. 

Each style has a unique look and a unique framework for organizing and presenting newsletter content. The goal is to create a newsletter that not only captures your brand and your style, but makes you proud to give it to your readers.


Classic Style Newsletters

A traditional newsletter look and layout tailored to your brand. This style is ideal for shorter articles, large images, and a dose of fun to help draw readers in.

The Captain's Log Newsletter
Legal News You Can Use Newsletter
Legal RN Reporter Newsletter
The Lex Canis Newsletter
Legal News You Can Use Newsletter

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Modern Style Newsletters

This style is ideal for law firms or businesses with multiple areas of expertise or service offerings. Breaking up the content into categories makes it easy for readers to find the subjects they are interested in.

The HERO Insider Newsletter
Life & Law Newsletter
Your Lawyers for Life Newsletter
Raising the Bar Newsletter
Business & Franchise Law Report Newsletter

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Minimalist Style Newsletters

These newsletters feature clean designs with strong branding. This style allows for more space which works well for long articles.

LiveLifeBig Newsletter
VB Attorneys Newsletter
Justice at Work Newsletter
The Lex Canis Newsletter
What Matters Most Newsletter

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Whimsical Style Newsletters

Newsletter designs with unique flair for a fun, decorative look. This style is a good fit for those looking to infuse extra personality into their newsletter.

One on One with Carol Newsletter
Life in the Shade Newsletter
Breathe LIFE... Newsletter
Healthy Home Healthy Lifestyle Newsletter

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Magazine Style Newsletters (Premium)

Highly customized newsletters that feature unique article layouts, decorative fonts, and custom images. This style is perfect for those who prefer to include more articles and images in their 4-page newsletter.

The Shoe Horn Newsletter
The Earley Edition Newsletter
IZ Legal Illustrated Newsletter
Building Blocks Newsletter
Make GOOD Things Happen Newsletter

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Editorial (Premium)

These multi-page newsletters read more like journals. Editorial style newsletters are more than 4 pages long, with lengthy, detailed articles. This style works well for educational publications, memberships, or paid subscriptions.

LiveLifeBig Newsletter
GLM Journal
Advisors & Allies Newsletter
The HEROLetter
The ICON Letter
Legal News You Can Use Newsletter

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Spanish (Premium)

Your newsletter translated into Spanish. The original design is maintained to look polished and professional in both English and Spanish.

Legalmente Lista Boletin informativo
La Edicion Earley Boletin informativo
La Matraca Legal Boletin informativo
Mejorando la El Nivel Legal Boletin informativo
El Boletin Rankin

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